Momentary Lapses

This blog was created during a momentary lapse, a period when I'm stuck in my writing and trying to jog something loose in my brain or push myself so close to deadline that I can kill, without remorse, the beloved opening or headline or quote that is keeping me from moving forward. Most of my posts here will have to do with writing, including occasional Favorite Writing Quotes (FWQs). Please share yours, and your comments, too.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, November 30, 2006


I've done it to myself again--spent 30 days proving that writing only a couple of thousand words a day (even skipping holidays and entire weekends altogether) produces a a couple of hundred pages of manuscript. And even this slap-dash, quantity is everything approach results in some interesting characters, snappy dialogue and surprisingly thoughtful passages.

Why can't I do this the other eleven months of the year? Rephrase: Why don't I do this the other eleven months of the year? Or, since revising is not nearly as word-intensive and I now have four-and-a-half roughly drafted manuscripts, why don't I spend the equivalent amount of time editing those manuscripts into something I can submit for publication?

So... Ta-da! and celebration for the completion of another year of Nanowrimo.

Resolved: By the time Nanowrimo 2007 rolls around, at least one finished manuscript will be in the hands of potential agents. Stay tuned for details.